Harrisburg, PA 17110, USA


Charges against parolees in 6 homicides spur state review

HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) — Six homicides allegedly committed by five Pennsylvania parolees over the past two months, including the slayings of two children and a Pittsburgh police officer, have struck a chord in the ranks of law enforcement and the state’s prisons agency. Calling the crimes “horrendous,” state Secretary of Corrections John Wetzel told The …

Business Agents position openings

To All, Recently we have had a few openings in the business agent position at PSCOA. We are going to conduct a vetting process for this position which will include a minimum standard, a resume and an interview process. You must pass each step to get invited to an interview by the state executive board. …

Update- July 2019

I am sure that many members are wondering what has transpired since the election. We just wanted to touch base with everyone and give them an update of happenings at the PSCOA main office. – All elected Executive Officers took the oath of office July 1st. – We have begun the task of reviewing all …

PSCOA Election Results

The PSCOA Election Committee has certified the 2019 election. Click here to view the results.

BWF 13th Annual Golf Tournament

The BWF Golf Tournament for 2019 has been scheduled for August 20th, 2019 at Dauphin Highlands Golf Course in Harrisburg, PA. Visit the BWF page for more information.