Harrisburg, PA 17110, USA


House Republican caucus will be vetting pension changes

The House Republican caucus will be vetting pension changes this week in caucus. They will be determining support for various amendments that have been or will be filed. This means it is absolutely imperative that our members reach out to their House members immediately and press their case for why COs should be excluded from …

Legislators play blame game over budget negotiation impasse

Legislators play blame game over budget negotiation impasse Author: Jason Gottesman/Monday, June 22, 2015/Categories: News and Views As the end of Pennsylvania’s fiscal year grows closer, leaders from all four caucuses began pointing fingers in earnest Monday, blaming one another for why negotiations on the budget and related pieces of legislation like pension reform and …


The House Republican caucus will be vetting pension changes this week in caucus. They will be determining support for various amendments that have been or will be filed. This means it is absolutely imperative that our members reach out to their House members immediately and press their case for why COs should be excluded from …

See what Reps are in your districts

Here’s a website to see what Reps are in your districts. http://www.legis.state.pa.us/ Robert Storm Eastern Region Vice President rstorm@pscoa.org  www.pscoa.org

Call your local Representative against SB 1 Pension Reform.

Here’s a list of phone numbers for your local representative’s. Everyone needs to start calling their local Representative against SB 1 Pension Reform. They are telling us they hear nothing from their continuants opposing SB1. So let’s start pounding the phone. Robert Storm Eastern Region Vice President rstorm@pscoa.org www.pscoa.org

PSCOA BWF Scholarship Winners

Winners of the PSCOA Bobby Wilt Foundation scholarship are posted. Congratulations to all winners! See the winners here